Educating yourself does not mean that you were stupid in the first place; it means that you are intelligent enough to know that there is plenty left to 'learn'. -Melanie Joy

Monday 18 November 2013

Unix command line tricks

November 18, 2013 Posted by Dinesh , ,
1. Ever tried creating pdf files in your unix machine ??

man -t ascii | ps2pds - > ascii_man_page.pdf

-t flag formats the output and ps2pds converts post script to pdf.
hyphen (-) after ps2pdf command indicates it to read input from stdin and write output to stdout.

2. Want to terminate the script after first failure ?

'set -e' thats it. it does everything.

$> cat

set -e
echo "line 1"
cat tmp.x.12.12
echo "line 2"

$> ./
line 1
cat: tmp.x.12.12: No such file or directory #line 2 is not echoed

3. Simple way to create huge file

yes, we have 'yes' in unix to do that. yes will echo what ever you give as argument.

#press ctr+c after a while
$yes "some random text..." > bigfile.txt

'yes' has another interesting advantage. just imagine to answer yes to the every question by bash.

$rm file.txt
rm: remove regular file 'file.txt' ?

#you probably give 'y' to remove it. what if you want to remove 100 such files?

yes | rm *.sh

though this can be achieved just by ignoring alias ( \rm *.sh ) this is just an example to demonstrate the usage.

4. Creating dirty random number

we have $RANDOM shell variable to generate a random number may be max of 5 characters. If you wish to create a big random number use 'mcookie'. This command generates a "magic cookie," a 128-bit pseudorandom hexadecimal number, normally used as an authorization signature by the X server. This also available for use in a script as a quick and dirty random number.


5. Get directory name or file name from path and file extension

#extract dir name and file name
$> basename /dir1/dir2/file.txt      
$> dirname  /dir1/dir2/file.txt 

#Extract extension 
$> path="/dir1/dir2/file.txt"
$> ext=${path##*.}
$> echo $ext

6. Simple 'cut'

var="one two three"
set -- $var
a=${1};   #one 
b=${2};   #two
c=${3};   #three

Just a basic example to avoid invoking forked process (cut/awk)

7. Base conversion

'bc' can convert from any base to any.

Ex: decimal to hexadecimal conversion
echo 'obase=16; ibase=10; 64' | bc            # (ibase=input base, obase=output base)

This will convert 64 from base 10 to base 16.