Educating yourself does not mean that you were stupid in the first place; it means that you are intelligent enough to know that there is plenty left to 'learn'. -Melanie Joy

Friday 11 October 2013

Difference between array[@] and array[*] in shell

October 11, 2013 Posted by Dinesh , , No comments
It is important for quoting and spacing that the ${array[@]}
format (rather than ${array[*]}) is used, and also that double quotes are put around the whole construct. 

items=(pen "permanent marker" pencil "temporary marker")
for item in ${items[@]}
  echo "Item is : $item"

Item is : pen
Item is : permanent
Item is : marker
Item is : pencil
Item is : temporary
Item is : marker

for item in ${items[*]}
  echo "Item is : $item"

Item is : pen
Item is : permanent
Item is : marker
Item is : pencil
Item is : temporary
Item is : marker

items[@] and items[*] produced the same output and which is not expected. "permanent" and "marker" are treated as two different words in both the cases though it is a single word. lets try now with the quotes around the array..

items=(pen "permanent marker" pencil "temporary marker")
for item in "${items[@]}"
  echo "Item is : $item"

Item is : pen
Item is : permanent marker
Item is : pencil
Item is : temporary marker

 YES this what we expected.... but items[*] will not behave this way.

for item in "${items[*]}"
  echo "Item is : $item"

Item is : pen permanent marker pencil temporary marker

the * is not suitable either with or without quotes. Without quotes, it does the same as the @ symbol. With quotes, the whole array is boiled down into a single string.