"shopt" can be used to correct typos in cd command.
you can use "cdspell" which will auto correct the directory name you have entered.
Usage: shopt -s cdspell
( -s : set
-u : unset)
$ cd /usr/local/sben will results in bash: cd: /usr/local/sbEN: No such file or directory
but once you have enabled cdspell option,
$ cd /usr/local/sben
some other useful options are,
histappend : this will append to the history file, instead of overwriting it
checkwinsize: check the window size after each command and, if necessary, update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.
lot of other options are available with shopt.
to list all these options used shopt -p
Or you can refer the man page http://ss64.com/bash/shopt.html